
Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloon Sinuplasty services offered in Chelmsford, Concord and Woburn, MA and Nashua and Derry, NH

When congestion and sinus pressure last longer than three months, chances are you have chronic sinusitis, and that makes you a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty. The physicians at Massachusetts Ear, Nose and Throat Associates, with offices in Chelmsford, Woburn, and Concord, Massachusetts, and Nashua and Derry, New Hampshire, have years of experience performing balloon sinuplasty in the office. This minimally invasive procedure produces immediate and long-lasting results, clearing your sinuses and allowing you to breathe. To schedule an appointment, book online or call the nearest office today.

What is balloon sinuplasty?

Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive procedure to treat chronic sinusitis. The procedure effectively clears clogged sinuses, restores normal drainage, and eases your symptoms.

No incisions occur, and you only need a local anesthetic. As a result, your provider performs balloon sinuplasty in the office.

When does sinusitis need a balloon sinuplasty?

Sinusitis occurs when your sinuses become inflamed. The inflammation may develop due to:

  • Respiratory tract infection
  • Allergies
  • Nasal polyps
  • Deviated nasal septum 

The mucus produced inside your sinuses normally drains into your nose through a small opening. However, the inflammation blocks the opening and traps the mucus in the sinus. That leads to an infection.

The initial infection normally heals in a few weeks. You have chronic sinusitis when your symptoms last 12 weeks or longer.

Once chronic sinusitis sets in, the first line of treatment usually includes medications. If your symptoms don't improve, your Massachusetts Ear, Nose and Throat Associates provider may recommend a balloon sinuplasty.

What symptoms indicate I may need a balloon sinuplasty?

Chronic sinusitis causes the following symptoms:

  • Stuffy, congested, or blocked nose
  • Pain and pressure around the sinuses
  • Thick nasal drainage
  • Loss of smell

Your inflamed sinuses may also cause a headache, or you may feel generally fatigued.

What happens during balloon sinuplasty?

You relax in a treatment chair while your provider applies a local anesthetic. Then they insert a thin, flexible tube (the balloon catheter) into your nose. Using real-time imaging, they gently guide the catheter to the blocked sinus.

After placing the catheter in the sinus opening, your provider inflates the balloon. The balloon opens the sinus. In the process, it also restructures the passage, producing long-lasting results.

Your provider cleans the sinus with saline (salt water). Then they deflate and remove the balloon. Even without the balloon, the sinus stays open, allowing normal drainage that relieves your symptoms.

What happens after balloon sinuplasty?

You go home shortly after the procedure, but you need to take it easy for 24-48 hours. Your provider may also recommend that you avoid blowing your nose during this time. You should also stay away from strenuous activity for about a week to be sure your sinus has time to heal.

If you have congestion that never seems to go away, call Massachusetts Ear, Nose and Throat Associates or book an appointment online today.